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Teenager Therapy (because we have problems, too)

  • Teenager Therapy

  • Created and Hosted by Gael Aitor, Isaac Hurtado, Kayla Suarez, Thomas Pham, and Marc Hugo

  • Genre/Format: Talk show podcast

  • Awards Inaugural winner of The Audio Impact Award (2021)

  • Rating There are no age ratings or recommendations for this podcast. I would recommend this for 13+, though many younger (and older) people will enjoy it because they talk about things that most people can relate to.

  • Plot Summary: The description on its website says that this podcast is "Five stressed, sleep deprived, yet energetic teens [who] sit down and talk about the struggles that come with being a teenager. Is high school really as bad as everyone says?" It seems that nothing is off-limits with these teenagers. Regardless of the show's topic, these five friends don't hesitate to speak openly to each other, or their guests, to sort out their thoughts and feelings.

  • Creator Background: Gael Aitor, Isaac Hurtado, Kayla Suarez, Thomas Pham, and Marc Hugo are high school friends from Southern California. Gael had the idea to create the podcast when he was 15 because, as they say on their About Us page: "We are 5 friends from very different backgrounds with a love for helping others. We created this podcast with a genuine passion for helping others. However, we are pretty average so don't expect any amazing talents."

  • Critical Evaluation I listened to "The Realities Of Our Friendship," recorded in September 2020, which they consider to be their best episode. In this episode, the five explore their expectations of one another as friends and as podcasts hosts. I was surprised at how raw and emotional the conversation was, even wondering to myself why they even bother with each other. But in their honesty they find what their own needs are, what their friends' needs are and they thoughtfully and respectfully come to an understanding. They don't sweep problems under the rug, they do laugh, but not at each other or to cover insecurity, and they don't hold back their feelings and opinions. To be honest, I was completely moved by how the group worked through a difficult problem and came out the other side with a better understanding and deeper commitment to one another.

  • Creative Use for a Library Program: I think a journaling workshop would pair nicely with this podcast. Teach (or even better, bring in an expert to teach) how to bullet journal, and then focus on creating pages that the teens could use to workout their feelings, jot down their ideas, and be creative.

  • Speed-Round Talk: Have you ever wondered what would happen if you told your friends how you really feel? Listen to Teenager Therapy to find out!

  • Potential Challenge Issues and Defense Preparation: A quick Google search will show that this podcast gets rave reviews. However, because they tackle every subject, from LGBTQ issues, to Black Lives Matter to teen acne to coping with the pandemic, there are sure to be parents who oppose an episode's topic and possibly the entire podcast. But I think it's so important that not only are these issues discussed openly by teens for teens, but it will help parents who listen to better understand their teens too. Even younger tweens would find this podcast helpful as it models for them how to deal with the big feelings that they have and how to deal with problems they see all around them.

  • Reason for Inclusion: This podcast is an important resource for teens, and one that they can access easily. It provides instruction on how to communicate, but it also provides information about sensitive subjects that are important to teens. And all of this is done thoughtfully and mindfully by other teens.


Lorenz, T. (2020, July 30,). High Schoolers Across the Country Are Seeking ‘Teenager

Therapy’. The New York Times

Teenager Therapy.Teenager Therapy.


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