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A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow

  • ISBN 9781250315328

  • Published by Tor Teen, 2020

  • Genre/Format: Fantasy/ Paperback, Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook

  • Awards

    • Rise: A Feminist Book Project List, 2021

  • Reading Level: Both Amazon and NoveList suggest grade 8 and up, but I would not recommend this for anyone under 14. Although it's about teenagers, it's a sophisticated somewhat confusing plot, with a lot of focus on death. I don't believe it will to middle schoolers.

  • Plot Summary: Tavia and Effie, black teenagers raised as sisters, live in a world where magical beings are the norm. Although Tavia is a siren, her gift is considered dangerous and she must continually silence her voice. Effie, who works as a mermaid during Ren Faire, does not know if she even has otherworldly powers, but strange events have occurred around her all her life and now her hair seems to move on its own. But when Tavia lets out her voice and Effie's skin starts shedding, the outside world takes notice and suddenly their very existence is in danger. The girls must rely on their friendship to help each other find their true identities and build the confidence they need to live authentic lives.

Set in a world where Black Lives Matters protests are happening, the magical powers that Tavia has stand in for qualities black women in the U.S. have that are both revered and demonized. Exploring racism and its impacts is the central theme of A Song Below Water, but the type of magical being you are is the issue rather than skin color.

  • Author Background: In addition to A Song Below Water, Bethany C. Morrow has written Mem, A Chorus Rises, which is a sequel to A Song Below Water, So Many Beginnings: A Little Women Remix, and others.

  • Critical Evaluation: When peeling back the layers of this story, what's at stake is the oppression of black women. It's a critical issue and the use of magical powers as metaphors makes for a beautiful and haunting story. Nonetheless, there is so much world building in the book that the story doesn't seem to get moving until halfway through it. While the characters are interesting, there is a great deal of backstory that must be explained. There are all sorts of magical creatures and powers who must be described physically, along with their histories and how they operate in current society. However, my final impression of the novel is of a moving story thoughtfully told and important to read.

  • Speed-Round Book Talk: What happens when a Siren uses her voice, a possible mermaid starts shedding her skin and the world stands against you?

  • Library Program: Library programming for this book will be to create a freedom quilt which were created and used to help African-American's escape slavery through the Underground Railroad network (Borgia, 2019). Each square held a specific meeting that was intended to help the person navigate to freedom successfully. For this program, square patterns will be made available to teens and they can decorate theirs with fabric, yarn, buttons, and etc.... When all the squares are completed, we will put them in order and display the quilt in the library.

  • Potential Challenges: There is some violence described and discussed, but it is not graphic and it is an intrinsic part of the plot. Some might object to the Black Lives Matters sympathies in the book, but being anti-BLM is racist therefore that is not a reasonable objection.

  • Reason for Inclusion: We need to hear more about African-American experiences, especially those of African-American women. Additionally, fantastical tales where black women are the main characters are important in terms of representation.


Borgia, A. (2019). Black History Month for Teens. Teen Services Underground.

Morrow, B. C.Bio. Bethany C. Morrow. (2019). Cute mermaid vector design.



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